Looking for a personal trainer in Poway, California?

Looking for a personal trainer in Poway, California?

Thanks to advances in medical science, human life expectancy has increased significantly. In fact, the average expected lifespan has nearly doubled in the 20th century alone. At Propel Pilates, we help our clients to make the most of those extra years because what good is quantity without quality? Whether you’re interested in losing weight, increasing energy, building and toning muscle, or all of the above, we have the tools to help you get there. Our personal trainers will work with you on an individual basis to help you reach your personal goals.

When it comes to getting in shape, the hardest step is the first one. Perhaps you’ve never been one to attend exercise classes or a gym, and you just don’t know where to start. Or, you’ve been doing the same workout for a long time, and it seems to have lost its effectiveness. Using our extensive training and knowledge base, we’ll take your specific situation into consideration and design a workout regimen that both challenges you and targets the areas you want to improve.

Personalized plans and attention

When you work with a Propel personal trainer, you get one-on-one sessions where the goal is to improve your fitness level while avoiding injury. Pilates focused workout routines help you to increase lean body mass, range of motion and flexibility, and core strength. And, Pilates is a low-impact exercise that does not cause wear and tear on your joints. There is one more aspect to optimizing health that can’t be ignored, and that’s diet.

Have you ever felt like you’re fighting an uphill battle? You exercise as much as you can, but you can’t seem to shake off those stubborn extra pounds.The reality is that it’s almost impossible to achieve your fitness and weight goals without also paying attention to diet. We can help by evaluating your current diet and suggesting nutrition adjustments.

Reaching your goals

People are living longer, and it’s more important than ever to take good care of your health so you can enjoy your life at any age. Propel Pilates has earned the reputation of having the best personal trainers in Poway because our instructors are not just highly knowledgeable, but passionate about what they do.
Call today to set up an appointment to meet with a personal trainer or take a class in Pilates in Poway. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll begin to see results.