Why do celebrities swear by Pilates?

Why do celebrities swear by Pilates?

It’s no secret that for those select few who make their living in front of the camera, staying fit and thin is a constant battle. You’ve probably heard of those actresses who attribute their figures to “good genes”, but in reality, that’s almost never the case. Celebrities are human beings just like us, and good genes or not, we all have to work at staying fit and trim. 

While tempting, fad exercise regimens are not the way to go, particularly as the years go by. If they’re lucky, celebrities careers span decades, and they need long-term solutions that are realistic but effective, regardless of stage of life. The workout programs they choose have to be sustainable over the years. So what works just as well for and up-and-coming twenty-something actress and one in her fifties who has had a few children? 

Pilates works for all ages and body types

In the United States alone, it’s estimated that some 11 million people practice pilates regularly. It’s popularity is not lost on celebrities, who gain the same benefits as us regular folks: better posture, longer/leaner appearance, mind-body connection through breath work, toned muscles, flexibility and a sense of well-being. Here are a few of them talking about why they’ve chosen Pilates over other forms of exercise: 

Kate Hudson (40) says she feels lighter, more grounded and “two inches taller” after a Pilates class. A sense of balance and improved health is the reason Mandy Moore (35) practices the stretch and strengthen form of exercise. Megan Fox (33), who lacks motivation to hit the gym, instead relies on an “immense” amount of Pilates to keep her figure toned. And Vanessa Williams (56) has been doing Pilates for two decades – ever since she discovered it helped to regain her core strength after having a child. 

Though all of these celebs have slightly different reasons for being devoted to Pilates, they’re all seeking the same result; a lean, toned, lithe-looking physique and good health.

It can work for you too!

You don’t have to be a famous actress to get great results from Pilates. According to a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise, after 36 weeks of Pilates, women strengthened their rectus abdominis (the 6-pack muscles) by a whopping 21%, while also eliminating imbalances in the left and right side of their core. A strong, balanced core helps improve posture and balance, which helps prevent falls and injuries, and strengthens the muscles that support your back. 

In fact, a study conducted for the Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy concluded that people with chronic lower back pain experienced more relief after just four weeks of Pilates than those who visited a doctor and specialists. 

If you’re ready to improve your health and transform your body, call 858-314-9187 or click today and sign up for an introductory class, at Propel Pilates in North San Diego. We guarantee you’ll be hooked!