Start your day off right with a Pilates class in the morning

Start your day off right with a Pilates class in the morning

Morning is an ideal time of day to practice Pilates. Not only do you get a fantastic workout, but, you also prepare your body and mind to face the day ahead. Taking classes in the morning helps boost your energy all throughout the day. At Propel Pilates, our premier San Diego studio, we work around your needs. We offer morning classes that begin as early as 6:30 a.m., so that you can start your day off right.

For many of us, trying to get in a workout once our day has officially started can be challenging. Things come up, our stamina wanes, and it’s easy to consider putting it off in favor of other things. Establishing a regular routine that begins each day with Pilates exercise is the best thing you can do for your health.

The benefits of exercising early in the day

The benefits of morning Pilates classes extend beyond the convenience of getting your workout out of the way early. Doing Pilates revs up your metabolism which results in additional calories being burned all day long, and you get a nice energy boost to keep you feeling awake and alert. In addition, studies show that working out in the morning hours results in an easier time falling asleep and a more restful night’s sleep.

At Propel Pilates, however, we understand that some of our members are either not able to or don’t prefer morning exercise. Because we strive to accommodate all of our member’s needs, we offer several Pilates class times in both the morning and the evening.

Schedule your classes online

But what if there are no class times that work for you; are you out of luck? Not at all! Speak with one of our friendly instructors about setting up a private or semi-private group at a time that’s convenient for you. Speaking of convenience, Propel makes it so easy to sign up — you can schedule Pilates classes online.

Whether you’re interested in morning Pilates classes in San Diego or any other time of day, we’re ready to work with your schedule. Drop by our studio today and find out why Pilates is rapidly becoming the most popular fitness routine on the market!